Wednesday, December 18, 2019

5 Major Benefits of the RERA Act for buyers @M3M India

RERA Act 2016 is an Act of the Parliament of India. It seeks to guard home-buyers as well as help boost investment in the real estate industry. RERA Act came into force on 1st May 2016. The Central Government and State Government are accountable to notify the rules under the act. Under the provisions of the Act, all commercial and residential Real Estate projects, where the land is 500 square meters or has more than eight apartments, are obligated to register under the RERA Act, before launching the new project. On successful registration, you’ll be provided with a registration number, a login id, and a password. All top developers in India have to fill up essential details on the RERA website.

5 Benefits of RERA ACT for property Buyers

Right to information about the property-

The right to information is the right of every citizen. In India, buyers have complete right to information. It is one of the main advantages of the RERA Act for a home buyer. This can help a buyer in multiple ways. Under this law, a developer is obliged to share all the information about the project. A buyer can obtain information related to sanctioned plans, layout plans, along with the completion status. Developers usually give only half the information. But there are a few developers who prefer being transparent to their customers. One amongst them is the M3M Group. They are one of the top developers in India. M3M Group has a wide portfolio and stands out as one of the best among its satisfied customers in Delhi.

Standardized Carpet Rate-

RERA Act has made it mandatory for developers to disclose the carpet area of the units that they wish to sell. Previously each builder had his way of calculating the carpet area. But the RERA Act has a uniform method to calculate the carpet area. In RERA Act, the carpet area is defined as the net utilizable floor area of an apartment. The area is usually calculated in three different ways- carpet area, built-up and super built-up area. Hence while buying a property this can lead to a lot of misunderstanding on what you pay for and what you receive. But now with this act, it is the duty of the developer, to make buyers aware of the net usable area and quoted price based on the carpet area and not super built-up area.

What does carpet area cover?
Carpet area is a space where one can spread a carpet. Built-up area includes this area, plus the extra space approved by the authorities, such as the area of the inner and outer walls, balcony, etc. All the altered definitions are supposed to be practiced and executed by the real estate company so that there’s clarity and it benefits the end-users 

Authority for Grievance Redressed- 

In this case, if the buyer is not pleased with the construction or if he is facing any other complications regarding his commercial or residential property, then he can address it. This helps in maintaining transparency between the buyer and the seller and helps ethically solve the issue. Generally, this does not happen when the developer is reputed because he needs to maintain his brand image.

Advance Payment-

 As per the RERA Act, builders cannot take more than 10% of the total amount payable from the buyer as an advance application fee before starting the project. 

This is beneficial for a buyer as this rule allows a definite period for construction and the buyer does not have to pay a large amount.


RERA Act has made the deciding on the date of delivery of the project flexible for developers, which they can ascertain according to their convenience. So if a developer feels that it’s going to take more time in developing the area, then the developer has the liberty to choose the date of delivery. This rule brings clarity to both, sellers and buyers. Buyers get to know the date of completion and accordingly, they can manage other things. 

So go through these points before investing in a property, Get to know about the developer and the quality of their work and then decide what, when, how to buy your dream home. For more details please log on to